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Tuesday, 3 July 2012

The perfect gold earrings

So back in January when Alexa and I chose a lovely coral dress for me to be her bridesmaid in I made a mental note to myself that by the time the day of the wedding arrived I needed to

A)  lose 5 stone
B)  get a lovely golden tan
C)  grow my hair longer
D)  go blonder
E)  get some perfect gold earrings to go with the outfit. 

I failed on A). 

B), C) and D) were easy - thanks to St Tropez Gradual Tan - the best fake tan on the market in my opinion and a good hairdresser. 

E) was tricky. 

I have been scouring the country for the perfect pair.  I looked in every accessory shop I could think of but what I really wanted was something relaxed but also a statement.  They needed to shine and stand out from my hair and skin, which is all rather golden in colour.  They needed to be glitzy but not tacky.  Obvious but subtle.  Chunky but classy.  You see what I mean?   DIFFICULT.   There was even a conference call with H, the other bridesmaid who lives in Exotic Scotland about what on earth we were going to wear in our ears.  I eventually found a couple of pairs that would have just about done, and had agreed to borrow a lovely pair from my friend Natalie if I couldn't find anything.

On arrival in Ibiza I bored Alexa senseless with a long discussion of the different earring options.  She patiently listened and suggested I bring them all to her room on the morning of the wedding and we take a look together.
We had such a lovely time on the morning of the wedding.  Alexa was as relaxed and happy as a bride could be.  We had a lovely breakfast in the sunshine on the terrace, got our hair done and pottered about drinking champagne and making ourselves look lovely.  It really was a day I'll never forget.  A highlight was when the other bridesmaid, H, and I realised that we both had bought the same identical pair of giant, seamless, beige pants from M&S.  Classy. 

In a quiet moment Alexa gave us both a box containing the most perfect gold earrings I've ever seen.  That girl has exquisite taste.  I can't think of a more perfect pair.  I needn't have worried because like everything else, Alexa had my earlobes under control. 


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