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Monday, 5 September 2011

Annie, Mr Annie and a Mini Birthday Cake

Mr Rose and I had an EXHAUSTING weekend of making our flat look uncluttered and divine as it goes on the market today!  This is so exiting because we have been talking about it for the last 2 years and have finally got enough $$$ together to move on somewhere a bit bigger and with a garden. 

I think it is safe to say that Mr Rose and I are hoarders.  We must have chucked out over 100 pens.  I have never seen so many pens in my life.  I can't understand how the pen mountain built up so much.  Surely the most pens a couple need at any one time is about 10?  We also have over 10 egg cups.  Now bare in mind a boiled egg is not our egg of choice (Mr Rose likes a poached, I like scrambled - thank you for asking).  Why so many egg cups?  Who knows. 

I gave my extensive cosmetics collection an overhaul with much of it going in the garage or the bin. It is really interesting to see what I saved from storage as it must be the stuff I cannot live without.  The stuff that made the cut was No7 Protect and Perfect face creams, Clarins Body Lotion for night time and Niva Soft body lotion for the daytime. I wont be having a bath without Badedas and Herbal Essences shampoo reigns supreme. 

So after we had packed away chairs, a coffee table, a TV, a stereo, and 20 ikea bags filled with clothes, junk and the aforementioned cosmetics that didn't make the cut we scrubbed the flat from top to bottom.  In the evening my sister Annie and Mr Annie came round to check it over because my housewifery is not my best subject and we needed a fresh pair of eyes to tell us what else needed doing. 

Apart from a few small things (she looked at my kitchen skirting boards as if there was a Russian Spy hiding there) we passed with flying colours.   As it is Mr Annie's birthday today we had a celebratory cup of tea. 

Later on she sent this pic of the birthday cake she made for him which I think is just lovely

yum yum yum

As a bit of context, here is the new car they have just bought

zoom zoom zoom
Spot the difference! 

So happy birthday to Mr Annie - the little brother I never had.  We are all so happy to have you in Da Familia. 

Rose x

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